
Good Day Sir,

I know not many clients send out emails giving thanks. Normally it’s about late deliveries or complaints. However, I would personally and on behalf of Mladina Trading Projects (Pty) Ltd, like to thank you Mr. Morne Niebuhr, Riaan De Bruin and the two foreman(Andre Bosman and Andre Niebuhr), for always going the extra mile and assisting in getting our orders ready before time or on time and for assisting us with breakdowns. It is truly a blessing to be working with Albis and the team at Albis from the office staff right down to the machine operators and dispatch.

Albis has always had Mladina Trading Projects best interest at hand and I hope that we can continue with this same level of service and quality. Yes, there are times when the road(production) is not always a smooth one due to factors outside of your control, but Albis has always made a plan to support the delivery lead time requirements. The product knowledge and technical support that Albis has provided and embedded in their staff, is driven from their management through to the staff and shown in their desire to continuously improve relationships with their clients for on time delivery of high quality products.

Once again, I would like to thank you especially Mr. Morne Niebuhr, for the impeccable support and collaboration which you have shown. May the business relationship that Mladina Trading Projects has with Albis continue to strengthen to achieve even greater success.

  1. Just one opportunity for improvement could be to create heat numbers on your delivery notes.

Respectfully yours,

Wendell Grimett

General Manager